OMA is managing a registration program called OMNA. This registry is used by OMA and non-OMA groups to register their profile data.

In OMNA there is one registry dedicated to register Management Objects defined by OMA, other Standard Development Organizations, (SDOs), or private companies.

OMNA Ranges for Management Objects

OMA-labelAssignments of values to MOs defined by OMA Work Groups
ext-labelAssignments of values to MOs defined by external entities
x-labelValues that are used for testing or private use – will not be recorded

The list of MOs listed above are available via the eMO Editor.

Please click here for more information on DM Management Object (MO) Registry

Device Management OMNA Request Use Case

Device Management (DM) Management Object (MO) OMNA Request Use Case

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2You should receive an emailed response to the email address entered onto the form


